President Barack Obama casts an early vote for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in Chicago, Illinois and the story goes viral. Mr. Obama, who was raising money in his home state for Mrs. Clinton and House Democrats, used the opportunity on Friday to cast his ballot for the November 8 election.
Obama, who is now as popular in the country as in the early days of his presidency, praised the poll workers for their great work and joked about his age. The president started by saying:
“You guys are doing a wonderful job, appreciate ya.”
Obama then proceeded with the humoristic touch:
“What’s my date of birth? 8/4/81?”
One worker hit back saying: “Nice try.” The 55-year-old politician also had a little fun with the reporters that were following him by hiding the voting machine. Obama told them:
“Now, they can’t see who I’m voting for can they?”
While Obama was in Chicago, he played golf at the Olympia Fields Country Club on Saturday, and also visited the godmother of his children – Eleanor Kaye Wilson. The president will leave the Windy City on Sunday.
The weekend home did not stop him from paying close attention to Hurricane Matthew that is hitting the south of the country. According to White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz, Obama talked about the situation with a few governors and FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate. Schultz shared:
“In order to hear directly from officials on the ground feeling the impact of Matthew, the President also spoke separately this morning with Gov. Nathan Deal of Georgia, Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina, Gov. Pat McCrory of North Carolina, and Gov. Rick Scott of Florida.”
Sunday, the president will be raising money for Senate candidate Tammy Duckworth, a congresswoman, who is challenging Republican incumbent Mark Kirk. The race could be crucial for the control of the chamber.