In a peculiar turn of events, one of the most controversial recent comments about the heated situation along the U.S. southern border came from none other than the director of global communications for Airbnb.
The comment in question was actually used as a caption for a picture posted by Kim Kingsley on her Instagram — “… that night I fell in love with new colleagues while children 2,000 miles away were being detained in cages #whatyoudomatters #speakup #cantignorethis.”
And while many saw the poor etiquette in the statement, it appears that it has also started to make its way through professional circles related to Kingsley’s occupation — various other PR experts have apparently commented on the picture in internal communication, expressing their huge surprise at the act.
Their reactions are justified because Kingsley is not a newcomer in her field and although she probably meant well, she could have brought attention to the subject in a different and more efficient way. She previously worked as COO of political news website Politico.
According to sources allegedly close to the situation, Kingsley was merely happy to be working for a company that has taken a stance against the controversial policy, but she just chose a poor way to express her sentiment.
That would indeed be peculiar, given her occupation, as she of all people should be one to think twice before posting anything online, especially when the context is so sensitive in the first place.
Kingsley tried to defend her position in a response, claiming that it is important that people speak out against issues in society like this one.
However, her Instagram account has been made private following the incident, with no further comments from her about the situation. Airbnb has not given an official stance either, even though attempts have been made to reach the company for an explanation.