A white woman named Allison Ettel became a subject of massive backlash after she was recorded on video calling the police on an 8-year-old black girl, who was selling bottled water on the streets of San Francisco without a permit.
The video was shared on Saturday by the little girl’s older cousin, Twitter user Raj (@_ethipiangold), and revealed how the woman intervened with the water stand.
Later, it was discovered the situation took place near AT&T Park, while there was a baseball game going on.
The footage of the young entrepreneur quickly went viral on all the major social networking sites, and it shows the annoyed woman who is trying to escape the camera while talking on the phone with the authorities.
The video maker can be heard explaining how the intruder would not let the little girl sell some water to the thirsty people, and at one point announces the police was being called on an 8-year-old girl.
The woman, who clearly knows she is being filmed, tries to hide behind a brick wall so she could finish her call in peace.
As a result of the cousin laughingly informs her she can hide all she wants, but the world is going to see her nevertheless.
The woman is then heard explaining on the phone how the water was being sold illegally without a permit.
The female and the cousin continue to argue shortly about whose property the little girl is standing on, with the cousin claiming it was hers.
It did not take long for the video to gain popularity after it was posted on Saturday and as a result, the intruder was quickly nicknamed “Permit Patty.”
Ettel runs a business selling cannabis for cats and dogs. She tried to defend herself by saying, “They were screaming about what they were selling. It was literally nonstop. It was every two seconds, ‘Come and buy my water.’ It was continuous, and it wasn’t a soft voice, it was screaming.”
She added, “I have no problem with enterprising young women. I want to support that little girl. It was all the mother and just about being quiet.”
Some commentators say the tense political situation in the country will make incidents like these more common in the future.