Scottie Nell Hughes said mazel tov instead of Molotov cocktail and Twitter erupted in laughter. Hughes is known for being a supporter of Donald Trump and for bashing Hillary Clinton, but who knew she was a comedian?
Sunday night, the conservative radio host was on CNN lamenting about the fact that Jay Z and his wife, Beyoncé, took part in a concert to get out the vote for Mrs. Clinton in Cleveland.
Mrs. Hughes wanted to go after the New York rapper for some of his controversial lyrics. While at the Ohio concert, Jay-Z used the term mother fu*ker and the N-word before censoring himself.
After talking about the lyrics, the political commentator went on to bash the artist for some of the disturbing images that he has used in his music videos. Hughes said that Jay Z is known for his anti-police sentiment and she was shocked by the fact that he had people tossing mazel tov cocktail in one of his clip. The panel erupted in laughter when they heard the remark.
She meant to say that protesters were tossing Molotov cocktail at police officers in the visual for “No Church in the Wild.” The funny moment went viral, and an odd exchange took place between Hughes and journalist Roy Sekoff later on. Hughes blamed her confusion on the lack of sleep. She said:
“trust me.. I realized at that moment, I should have taken a nap at some point the last 24hrs.”
The reporter replied by:
“As long as when the race is called Tuesday night you don’t stomp on a glass and call out “L’chaim!!””
She tweeted:
“fyi oye vey.”
He responded with:
“”Oye vey”? Is that what Latino Jews say when they look at the R line on the ballot?”
A fan of Trump got in the mix and wrote:
“2 houses down, husband is Jewish and wife is Latino, 3 Trump signs in front yard. Oy Vey.”
This is not the first time that Hughes made headlines this election cycle, a few weeks ago, after the Access Hollywood tape was unleashed, a heated exchange took place between the conservative personality and Ana Navarro. The pair appeared on CNN the following day where they clashed again.