Joni Gaddy believed alligators and snakes were going to eat her alive in her North Carolina home. Gaddy, a woman from Lumberton, did a very emotional interview after her son and a nephew finally rescued her.
Holding tightly to her dog and still soaking wet, Gabby revealed that the flooding caused by Hurricane Matthew left her stranded in her home on Chickenfoot Road. For three horrific days, she watched the water rise and take over her home.
At some point the water was neck-high, but that was the least of her worries. Alone in the home, Gaddy said that she saw dangerous alligators and deadly snakes swimming near her flooded front porch and attempting to get inside the house.
The woman said she was frightened out of her mind and tried many times to get help. The reporter tried to comfort Gaddy as she wept and stated that she placed sheets out of the windows to try to get someone’s attention in vain.
The animal lover said she heard helicopters flying near her home, but was not able to get their attention. She was about to lose hope when her son, a truck driver, who lives in Texas, showed up. Gaddy said her son and a nephew, who was worried about her, drove from Texas to make sure that she was well.
The two men had to walk through debris to get to her. Gaddy said she lived in the home for over 27 years and has lost everything. She said:
“I will not be able to return to my home of 27 years , I just don’t think I can.”
She added:
“I’m soaked. The water is up to your neck coming out of the house. The house is destroyed. I don’t know where my horses are. I have another dog stranded in the house.”
Gaddy stated that she had two horses that are still missing and added:
“I was hoping the alligators wouldn’t come into the door.You can literally sit on the porch and look at the alligators in the water with the snakes.”
She revealed:
“My son and my nephew saved me — walking through the water, climbing through trees, because there were trees down … it’s a mess.”
Gaddy concluded by:
“It was the worst thing. I don’t wish that on anybody. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to that house.”
The story has touched the community in a meaningful way.