Donald Trump reportedly asked a civil rights museum to close for several hours so he could hold a campaign event and the request was denied.
The Republican nominee was turned down by the International Civil Rights Center’s founder, who deemed his demands rude and disrespectful.
Mr. Trump has been doing what is being called an African-American outreach since Kellyanne Conway became his campaign manager. He has conducted scripted and closed-doors interviews with numerous black pastors and toured a black neighborhood with Dr. Ben Carson.
Trump also spoke about the problems, which were apparently caused by Democrats that hit the black community across America. He said that the schools are bad; the unemployment rate is high, and people are often shot and killed as they are walking in black neighborhoods.
Last week, Trump called officials at the International Civil Rights Center and Museum in North Carolina and asked for a special visit. Trump might have heard that President Barack Obama was going to be present at the inauguration of the new National Museum of African-American History and Culture in Washington, D.C.
The presidential nominee asked Earl Jones, co-founder of the museum, to close it for at least five hours to accommodate him. Jones revealed to local media that Trump’s staff was rude to the museum’s employees.
Jones added that he felt that Trump was aggressive, and his visit was not sincere, and he was putting on a show for the cameras. Jones said:
“We did not honor the request of the Donald Trump team because we thought they demonstrated, in their approach was disrespectful, so therefore we did not grant that request.”
Jones says a museum is a place where visitors come to educate themselves, and it does not provide special treatment to people, no matter how important they might be. Jones revealed:
“The approach, the type of disrespect, pretty much a demand and bullying us to use the museum in their manner and their way in their time, it was inappropriate and I think it’s probably reflective of the type of insensitivity of civil rights and human rights that’s reflective from Trump over the years.”
Jones stated that he is not biased and would have treated Hillary Clinton the same way if she made unreasonable requests. He stated:
“We have equal treatment for everyone coming to the museum and we welcome everyone to the museum, but we are not going to allow the museum to be used for political gain.”
He said Trump and Clinton are welcome to the museum, but he is not closing it and is not doing special favors for either of them.