Mike Pence and Donald Trump are running very different campaigns. Pence showed support for Paul Ryan when his running mate was dancing around with his endorsement.
Trump was bashing the Khans while Pence was showing respect for the gold star family. Saturday, in an interview with Meet the Press host Chuck Todd, the Republican vice presidential nominee once more took opposing direction with the mogul.
What about Donald Trump’s tax returns?
The governor of Indiana announced that he will release his tax returns next week. His running mate has refused to release his returns until an Internal Revenue Service audit is completed.
Anti-Trump people say he is not publishing them because he is lying about his fortune. Those critics claim that he is hiding the fact that he has financial ties to Russia and China and is knee-deep in debt.
Few Democrats believe that Trump is covering the fact that he is not as charitable as he says he is. Pence stated in the interview that will air this Sunday:
“Donald Trump and I are both going to release our tax returns. I’ll release mine in the next week. Donald Trump will be releasing his tax returns at the completion of an audit.”
Many of Trump’s backers including his son, Eric Trump, say that he will not share his tax returns because his attorneys are against it. Eric Trump thinks his father would be “foolish” to share that information with the American public. He said on CNBC:
“It would be foolish to do, and honestly, I’m actually the biggest proponent of not doing it because he’s under a standard audit. You just don’t do that during that time.”
He added:
“There is no tax attorney in the world who will tell you to release your tax returns while you’re under a standard, routine audit.It would never happen. I mean, anybody who thinks that is in la-la land.”
Billionaire Warren Buffett, who is supporting Hillary Clinton, revealed that he is also being audited and has offered to hold a joint press conference with Mr. Trump to answer questions about their taxes.
Mrs. Clinton has released eight years of personal income tax returns in 2015. Several members of the Republican party, including Reps. Sean Duffy, Mark Sanford, and Jason Chaffetz have called on Trump to disclose them.