A time capsule proposal of a cute Canadian couple has gone viral. Meet Jennifer Storrar, 24, and 25-year-old Troy Reddington – the pair has been dating since they were teenagers.
The lovers often took trips to Eagle Lake near the South River in Ontario where they would camp, go swimming and hiking. Five years ago, the duo decided to create a time capsule. They wrote notes to each other about their future and took few old pictures and placed them in a cookie jar and buried it in the ground.
In September 2015, Reddington decided he was ready to propose and bought the perfect ring and came up with the idea for the time capsule proposal. The plan was simple for Reddington, travel to the lake, find the original time capsule, and place a letter asking Storrar to marry him.
Reddington faced two problems – ice covered the river, so he had to wait until May to execute his plan. Moreover, he was unable to locate the first cookie jar they had buried, so he placed the note in a new one. Mr. Reddington explained:
“It was in November when I decided he was ready to pop the question, but after I had bought the ring, I knew I would have to wait until summer, I couldn’t get across the lake. I couldn’t do anything with it in the wintertime.”
He added:
“In May, as the ice thawed, I woke up in the middle of the night and drove for three hours to reach the campsite. I got into a kayak and paddled my way to the island where we had camped out every summer.”
While some people see Reddington’s actions as extraordinary, he said it was nothing. He stated:
“It seems like an extravagant plan, but really, I only drove three hours.”
In June, Reddington told Storrar, who studied filming to make a little documentary about their trip to Eagle Lake and she agreed. When the lovers arrived on the island, Reddington told Storrar where the new time capsule was located and asked her to open it.
Inside the jar was a note with the question, “Will you marry me?” As she was reading the message, Reddington could be seen in a video posted on YouTube, pulling a ring from his pocket, and dropping to one knee and asking: “Will you marry me?” Months after the proposal, Reddington told the media:
“I managed to get the words out.[Her reaction was] definitely a staple in my mind for life.”
Storrar said:
“I could not believe him. He went on such a trek to do this.”
The newly-engaged couple stated that they will get married within the next two or three years. For the time being, they are focused on buying a home together; the pair also revealed that they have not been able to find the original time capsule they hid as teens.