Karen Bass and Donald Trump are the reasons why the hashtag #DiagnoseTrump has been trending on social media.
Amidst rumors that many top GOP members are frustrated with Trump due to his feud with a gold star family and because of his erratic behavior, the Democratic congresswoman has decided to question the mogul’s mental health openly.
Rep. Bass (D-Los Angeles) has started a petition where she is asking for Trump to undergo a psychiatric evaluation. According to Bass, many of the billionaires’ action make her believe that he might be suffering from a Narcissistic Personality Disorder and is, therefore, unfit to be president. The petition filed on Change.org read in part:
Donald Trump is dangerous for our country. His impulsiveness and lack of control over his own emotions are of concern. It is our patriotic duty to raise the question of his mental stability to be the commander in chief and leader of the free world. Mr. Trump appears to exhibit all the symptoms of the mental disorder Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Mental health professionals need to come forward and urge the Republican party to insist that their nominee has an evaluation to determine his mental fitness for the job. It is entirely possible that some individuals with NPD can successfully function in many careers, but not the Presidency of the United States. We deserve to have the greatest understanding of Mr. Trump’s mental health status before we head to the polls on November 8th, 2016. #DiagnoseTrump
So far in his campaign for President of the United States, Donald Trump has unabashedly exploited fears for political gain. His trolling-tweets alone have helped damage our country’s relationship with foreign allies – threatening our national security. His divisiveness has only served to make us less safe. 6,000 lawsuit and one failed Trump University later, we have seen his ruthless business practices on full display, ripping off thousands of hard working Americans – without remorse – to put an extra dollar in his pocket. #DiagnoseTrump
The American Psychiatrist Association has declared it unethical for psychiatrists and psychologists to “comment on an individual’s mental state without examining him personally and having the patient’s consent to make such comments.” I call on mental health professionals to publicly urge the Republican party to conduct an evaluation of Mr. Trump and officially determine if he is mentally fit to lead the free world. #DiagnoseTrump
Mr. Trump appears unable to control his compulsion and displays characteristics of all nine criteria to officially diagnose an individual with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. #DiagnoseTrump
If you believe Trump has publicly displayed characteristics of the nine criterion below, please sign this petition as a call to action to #DiagnoseTrump.
Bass also started the hashtag #DiagnoseTrump to promote her efforts and thus far more than 7000 people have signed the petition. Believe it or not, Trump has not yet responded to Bass.