Is Charlotte McKinney the new Kate Upton? The 22-year-old model from Florida is the star of the latest sexy Carl’s Jr. Super Bowl ad.
Charlotte McKinney is set to make a big entrance in the major league of modeling with her Carl’s Jr. Super Bowl XLIX ad that will air on February 1, 2015. The commercial was released online Wednesday, it immediately went viral. The internet was quick to crown the voluptuous blonde the new Kate Upton.
Carl’s Jr. Super Bowl ads have been known for creating a lot of controversy and this time is no different. In the new ad that will only air in Western states on Super Bowl Sunday, McKinney seems to be naked as she strolls through a farmer’s market. Men lose focus and can not stop looking at her.
The ad is called “Au Naturel” and was made to promote the fast-food restaurant chain’s new All-Natural Burger. The burger only shows up after 26 seconds in the 42-second clip. Some say the ad is too racy and reduces a woman to being nothing more than a piece of meat. Others find that it is totally in line with what Carl’s Jr. has a habit of producing in terms of advertisement content.
The negative reaction might be slightly overblown and here is why. A woman doing what she wants with her body: Isn’t that true feminism and equality? McKinney was never in the nude while shooting the commercial. She told FOX411:
“I’m used to working in a bikini and the crew made me feel comfortable.”
The young woman also wants to make it clear that she hopes to create her own path in the industry, she thinks that people should stop comparing her to Upton. The Florida-born model explained:
“I wish the comparison would stop. I’m my own person. I think we both have a different style of what we’re going to do. I hope it’s Charlotte McKinney and not the next Kate Upton.”
There are worse comparisons in this world than Upton, McKinney should just enjoy the ride of fame. Did the ad go too far?